Maia's practicum 'n stuff

a place for me to test things. practicum slider hubeevee




Espeon's velvety fur is so sensitive that it can sense minuscule shifts in the air, allowing it to predict the weather and its enemies' movements. When predicting an opponent's actions, the tip of its tail quivers. The gem on Espeon's forehead glows when it unleashes psychic energy from the gem and darkens when all of the built-up energy has been exhausted. Espeon builds up its psychic power by bathing in the sunlight. As such, it does not handle battles at night well. Espeon shows extreme loyalty to any Trainer that it considers worthy, even being said to have awakened its psychic powers from its desire to protect its Trainer; others say that its powers were born from its need to keep itself safe. Espeon is rarely found in the wilderness, instead being more commonly found in urban areas, under the ownership of other Trainers.

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