Maia's practicum 'n stuff

a place for me to test things. practicum slider hubeevee




Leafeon's cellular structure is similar to plants, which allows it to perform photosynthesis and purify the air around it by sleeping under the sunlight; it gets its energy in this way instead of eating. It is a pacifistic, quiet Pokémon, preferring not to fight, though it sharpens its leafy tail for the occasions it needs to. Its tail's sharpness is said to exceed that of a master's sword, sharp enough to cut down a large tree with one hit. Its aroma is similar to fresh grass in its youth; as it ages, this fragrance bears more of a resemblance to fallen leaves. The aroma is favored in Galar, where it is used to create a popular perfume. It lives in lush forests that have clean rivers.

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